This smartphone has a powerful snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 mobile platform and up to 16 GB of RAM. It comes with a powerful 125W SuperVOOC charger, delivering a full day’s power in 10 minutes. Price drops from $699.99 to $449.99 w/ free shipping.
This wall tap increases the adaptability of your electrical outlets by transforming one grounded outlet into three. It includes a built-in guide light that lights for 24 hours. The price drops from $5.99 to $3.74. Shipping is free for prime members or on orders over $25.
This Oral-B Genius X Limited Electric Toothbrush comes with a Rechargeable Handle, 3 Brush Heads, a Charger, and a Travel Case that can charge your Toothbrush and Smartphone. The 360 SmartRing with LED lights allows you to personalize your brushing experience with your choice of colors. Price drops from $199.99 to $119.99 w/ free shipping.
This belt's durable webbed material offers just enough flexibility. It comes with a metal clamp-shut buckle & end tipping. The price drops from $20 to just $7.90. Shipping is free for Prime members and nonmembers get free shipping over $25.
Price applies to White (100)/Silver color.
This bucket contains 340 pieces of twist wrapped bubblegum. The price drops from $15.00 to $8.30. Shipping is free for prime members or on orders over $25.
This driver bit set has a 2 high strength magnets allowing the box to be fixed to any surface. The built in hooks allow for the case to be hung anywhere. The price drops from $16.81 to $13.47. Shipping is free for prime members or on orders over $25.
These coffee pods have a rich aroma, smooth body, and a clean finish from 100% arabica beans. The price drops from $30.24 to $25.64 to $24.36 when you check out with subscribe & save. Shipping is free for prime members or on orders over $25.
Check out with subscribe & save
This kit includes 200W solar suitcase, a 20A waterproof Voyager charge controller, and alligator clips. It is easy to carry making it great for outdoor and off-grid use. Price drops from $469.99 to $297.99 w/ free shipping.
This kit includes 45 specialty tools, 12 1/4" drive tools, and a storage case. It comes with slip joints, groove joints, and long nose pliers for increased accessibility. The price drops from $60.00 to $54.98 w/ free shipping.
This chainsaw is great performance for tree cutting and getting up to 150 cuts on 4x4 lumber on a single charge. It includes 2 x 24V (48V) 16-Inch chainsaw, scabbard, 2 x 4.0Ah batteries, dual-port charger. Price drops from $279.99 to just $124.78 w/ free shipping.
This system connects 25 devices with reliable WiFi performance for simultaneous HD video streaming, gaming, internet surfing, and downloads. A single network name provides seamless room-to-room roaming throughout your house. The price drops from $229.99 to $149.00. Shipping is free.
This cupboard is versitile and can be used in the bathroom for storing linens, in the office for supplies, in the living room for multimedia, and in so many other ways. The price drops from $127.21 to just $82.70. Shipping is free.
This cleaner features dual tank technology that keeps clean and dirty water separate so you never put dirty water back on the floor. It is easy to lift and carry, even up and down stairs. The price drops from $176.98 to just $76.07 w/ free shipping.
This rolling creeper bench/cart is constructed with heavy-duty tubular steel for stability and long-term durability, supporting up to 350 lbs. It is equipped with (6) 360-degree swivel casters, delivering smooth and precise movements. The price drops from $64.08 to just $35.20 w/ free shipping.
Price applies to black color.
This starter kit features advanced 4-stage charging (bulk, boost, float, and equalization) to ensure your battery is efficiently and safely charged to 100%. It also comes with an advanced encapsulation material with multi-layered sheet laminations to protect cells from physical damage and distortion. The price drops from $225.99 to $108.90 w/ free shipping.
Select a 100W panel+PWM 30A controller size to get this price.